Our partners

We are just one organisation in a thriving ecosystem supporting donors get started on impactful climate philanthropy. Below are a few of our partners, who also provide support, information, and inspiration.

EFN is a UK-based network of foundations, family offices and individual donors supporting environmental causes. We suggest signing up to their excellent newsletter and reading their insightful reports from the sector.

Active Philanthropy has a number of fantastic reports, studies and tools, such as their “Spotlight on Climate Funding Strategies.” They also run a hybrid online training to help you get started and meet fellow funders.

Climate Leadership Initiative gives bespoke support to higher-tier donors who are looking to explore high impact climate solutions.

Climate Justice and Just Transition Donor Collaborative shifts power and philanthropic resources to just and equitable climate solutions led by those on the frontlines. They organise powerful webinar discussions and host the Climate Justice Map, which gives greater visibility to organisations in the Global South.

The Funder Commitment on Climate Change was launched in 2019 and is a holistic, high-level framework supporting funders to play their part in tackling the causes and impacts of climate change.

The Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network (AEGN) is focused on growing effective philanthropy to protect nature and secure a safe climate. AEGN is Australia’s premier network for philanthropists funding in climate change and environmental protection. AEGN works to drive a rapid step change in effective giving by providing trusted connections and information, tailored to our diverse members.

WINGS is the only global network of philanthropy support and development organisations. It is a community of more than 200 thought leaders and changemakers across 58 countries, committed to strengthening philanthropy to ensure that it reaches its fullest potential as a catalyst for social progress.